so many different ways to look at this world these be tales of a sailing tramp.
Welcome to tales of a sailing tramp I am mr gareth all round crusty , i have set up this site for hippies ,travellers ,crusty punkrockers,ravers, wake and bakers and general freaks. become a follower of this site for free and keep up with the counterculture for freaks on tales of a sailing tramp


Tracey chapman living legend we love you ,if you havent heard her first album then you have missed a piece of pure youthful passion ,this record is a perfectly whole piece of art and within it the hopes of the  young poet are captured for all time ,i have no doubt this is one of the  greatest records we have ever known .we have been gifted with by another one of our legendary hearts ,we should vote for art and expression like this rather than the greed of our politcal leaders ,we should follow the dream of people like tracey rather than the idea of status or  material gain.

why do new born babies starve when theres enough food to feed the world
why when theres so many of us theres people still alone
why are the missles called peace keepers when there aimed to kill

somebodys gonna have to answer when the blind remove their blinders and the speakers speak the truth.

my sentiments exactly ,shouldnt our political leaders be saying this kind of thing, far from it me thinks and still they are voted for, we just take whatever is put on the plate .

vote tracey vote for peace vote for freedom vote for expression vote for creativety and understanding vote for kindness and acceptance of others vote for poetry and we may make ourselves and this world a little better .
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