so some of you good people might be heading to amsterdam this christmas for a wee visit to the magic city.one of the best citys in the world very chilled and never any hassle i myself went to the dam for five weeks and three years later i was still there ha ha what a great place anyway if your heading there for the first time dont be fooled by the tourist coffeeshops in the red light district the best of the best of the best is to be found in a handfull of coffeeshops alone these are the dampkring ,the grey area ,the tweede de kamer and i hear barneys is not too bad these day either ,if you get the chance a good party is normally to be found at one of the citys squats most weekends ask one of the guys working in a cool coffeshop they will be able to tell you wheres a party or better still find some friendly freaky type who lives there for info the city is full of them and there is a massive underground scene to be found if you look for it.last time i was there the streets had been cleared of the old dodgy dealers and the junkies jacking up in the street the dark side of the redlight district had disappeared totally leaving just the charm of the old canals running through it making it one of the best streets
in town
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