so many different ways to look at this world these be tales of a sailing tramp.
Welcome to tales of a sailing tramp I am mr gareth all round crusty , i have set up this site for hippies ,travellers ,crusty punkrockers,ravers, wake and bakers and general freaks. become a follower of this site for free and keep up with the counterculture for freaks on tales of a sailing tramp


Got A Light?

Christopher Sandberg, 34, pleaded guilty to arson by criminal negligence after police found him sitting in his truck in Regina, Sask., Canada, with a propane canister. Police know Sandberg as a "huffer" -- he's addicted to breathing propane. As officers were talking with him, Sandberg lit a cigarette; the resulting explosion sent both officers flying. They weren't injured, but Sandberg suffered second-degree burns over more than 10 percent of his body. After his arrest, Sandberg was released on bail on the condition that he not possess any sort of pressurized canister, but he was found passed out in a park a month later, with a propane bottle next to him. His attorney pleaded for probation so Sandberg can overcome "all of his addictions" -- especially propane and cigarettes -- but the judge ordered him to jail for 14 months. (Regina Leader-Post) ...Sentencing Guidelines: Cigarette addiction: shrug. Propane addiction: probation. Simultaneous propane and cigarette addictions: jail.

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