so many different ways to look at this world these be tales of a sailing tramp.
Welcome to tales of a sailing tramp I am mr gareth all round crusty , i have set up this site for hippies ,travellers ,crusty punkrockers,ravers, wake and bakers and general freaks. become a follower of this site for free and keep up with the counterculture for freaks on tales of a sailing tramp


A different kind of hunger , a poem for you lovely freaks

A century that has reached its beginnings
 rolling on without stop or steery cry.

A century that weeps not for its passengers or sorrows for the casualties of  its passing tides

Upon its breast we are born and upon its wheat we shall feast and upon it  we shall lay our names down for its history's records to keep.

Upon its gentleness we shall cling to , and upon its passing tides we shall live and we shall breath.
gifts that are its years we shall sail
and we shall sail
and we shall sail

Oh we shall lay our heads down upon the path that is this century that we have inherited from the last
given without direction or map
tooled solely with an embrace and nothing more than a sketch and a chance.

 A Chance that is to ponder and a chance  that is to speak
my friend  shall  we give our sweat and our toil for the daily bread of this centuries wheat
or shall we laze in a sun of a life so sweet

tis for one man and he alone to decide if his sea is direction-less and the  mark  and the measure of his own tide,be he a drift or a product of his own time 

it is for he and he alone to decide.

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